Prayer Meeting meets each Wed. evening at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome.
Board Meeting has been cancelled for this coming week Jan. 20.
Next All Church Fellowship Meal will be Feb. 1 with our church family and the OAA students. Bring plenty of food to share.
Game Night All are invited to game night tonight , Jan. 18, at the Youth Center at 6:00 p.m. Bring snacks to share. PLUS the Adventurers will be having a haystack supper by donation to support the Adventurer Club.
Women’s Ministry Project We will be collecting journals (books with empty pages). They will be used for therapy at the Northwest Arkansas Center for Sexual Assault. These journal support survivors in finding their voice while they write down their thoughts after a traumatic experience. Your donations will be greatly appreciated.
Labels The Loma Linda, Worthington, Cedar Lake label programs have been discontinued so no need to save your labels.
Thank you to the volunteers that helped put in the dropped ceiling and new lighting in the Earliteen and Elder's rooms. Thank you to Dennis Brinegar, Lloyd Clapp, Christian Barrett, Cecil Bledsoe, and Tommy Miller for making this beautiful and needed improvement to God’s house.