Prayer Meeting meets each Wed. evening at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome.
All Church Fellowship Meal following the church service today. If you are visiting today please come and join us. Chau Le is in charge for this weeks meal.
Church History Study If you are interested in learning more about the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, come Sabbath afternoon, Jan.11, at 3:00 p.m. to the boys' dorm chapel and join Michael Smith for an in depth study of church history.
Sabbath School Counsel meeting following the all church fellowship meal in the Community room.
Lost and Found If you are missing something lease check the lost and found items by the coat rack in the hall Anything left after today will be donated to the TLC.
Women’s Ministry is inviting everyone to shower the Kurtz and Hiebert families with a diaper and wipe sprinkle as they welcome the birth of their new babies. Baskets will be available at both entrances next week for your convenience. Please mark your gifts clearly. Include other diaper sizes as the newborn phase doesn’t last long.