Announcements for Nov. 18, 2023

Prayer Meeting on Wed. evenings at 7:00 p.m.  Come join in the study of Matt. 7.


Thank You to everyone that participated in our Harvest Tree Food Drive. We will continue to accept any monetary donation to help supplement the additional items needed. Please mark your envelope TLC food pantry contribution.


Date Change for Nov. Board Meeting Because of the upcoming holidays we are combining the Nov. and Dec. board meeting on Dec. 11, at 6:30 p.m. Please mark your calendar!


OAA Drama presents The Mouse That Roars tonight, November 18 in the OAA Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Set in the 1970s, Grand Fenwick is having financial trouble so they choose to wage war on the United States of America, who doesn't realize they are at war, much less been brazenly attacked, until one of their generals and a scientist are taken hostage. Chaos ensues as the two countries deal with this "war" and sort things out. Tickets $10 are available at the door. Come support the OAA drama program and purchase a few items from the food sale.


We Need Your Participation On Christmas Sabbath Dec. 23.  This will be a special Christmas Sabbath for our Church family. If you would like to share a special song, read a poem/ scripture or involve your family with singing, please contact Savanah Hitt at 479-426-5023 by Dec. 2 


Dorm Dude Dinner  Plan now to enjoy deluxe nachos and ice cream sundaes with your dorm dude on Sun., Dec. 10 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at the Gentry Youth Center.  Please RSVP to Bonnie and bring a small gift (under $15) for your adopted dude. 479-736-2221 Ext. 143. or


Christmas is here sooner then we think!  It’s time to start the rehearsals.  Again, we want this to be a community event and invite all instrument players to join forces. Please spread the news and contact Gabriel Bloter at 954-937-4394.


Exciting News!!  Adventurer Club will be starting at the Gentry Church in January, 2024.  If you have a child ages 4 to 4th grade please contact Cynda Grant to have your child registered on her list.  You will not want to miss out on all the things planned for our children.  Contact Cynda Grant 318-505-3540. TO MAKE THIS PROGRAM SUCCESSFUL WE WILL NEED WILLING VOLUNTEERS TO HELP!


Women’s Ministry Upcoming projects for Nov. and Dec. (everyone is welcomed to participate).  We have so much to be thankful for this thanksgiving season and always. In November, we will be sending encouraging cards and letters to our deployed troops via America’s Adopt a Soldier program. You can make a homemade card of your own, or take one provided by the church on the tables on both entrances and return them by the end of the month. Do not seal the envelope please, as we will add some inserts to the card before mailing.  In Dec. we will be collecting gently used coats and new socks for the homeless.


6th Annual Christmas to the Cross, live walk-through nativity will happen again. If you would like to help with the nativity or have any questions call Judy Fetters at 804-874-9430 or email   Dec. 16 from 3:00-6:00 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 17 3:00-6:00 p.m.


Devotional Books If you would like a 2024 devotional book please contact Sleepy Hollow.


Greeter’s Mystery Dinner   A special event is being planned at the Youth Center for all the Greeters for Sunday, Dec.  3, at 3:00 p.m.  Please R.S.V.P by Nov. 30. to Dona Young at 479-957-4739 as soon as possible.  You will not want to miss this fun time together!


Community Thanksgiving Service at the First Christian Church in Gentry on Sunday evening, Nov. 19. Fellowship will start at 5:00 p.m.  Bring finger foods or sandwiches.  The service will start at 6:00 p.m.


OAA Junior Class Benefit Breakfast on Sunday morning, Nov. 19, at the Youth Center from 7:30-9:30 a.m. We will be serving biscuits and gravy, tater tots, and eggs.  Come and support our OAA Junior class!


Cookies Needed We will be offering homemade cookies and hot chocolate to our guest at the end of the nativity walk thru. If you could help make cookies bring them individually wrapped in a small baggie to the Ad building at the academy (Tue. Dec. 12-Fri, Dec.15) Contact Judy Fetters for questions 804-874-9430.